Continuing the Elettars legacy. This is just the beginning for Eletfen Vizslas.

Our story

My journey in dogs started when I was still in high school and undertook a role at a local dog boarding and day care centre. It was here I met my first ever Vizsla, a Hungarian import named Buk, who I will forever remember as he led me to this love I have grown into a life. During my time working with dogs I completed my cert II in animal care, cert IV in companion animals, cert V in veterinary nursing and cert III in dog training and behaviour. I took a keen interest in behaviour, and one of my favourite things is assessing puppies and matching them to the best family fit possible. I continued to work in boarding kennels and as a trainer for almost 8 years before becoming a social worker, which honestly is not much different to dog training! On the side my passion for dogs continued through the purchase of my & my partners first dog together. A sweet little 8 week bundle of russet gold joy, Addy, from Trish and Damen of Elettars Vizslas. 

Addy has been the biggest challenge and greatest achievement I’ve ever had in my life. She is stubborn but biddable, Velcro yet independent and too smart for her own good (and mine!). We have attended many a dog training seminar, completed courses together, won and lost on the field and still she agrees to let me put the leash on and walk out there as her team mate. Addy is where my passion for this versatile breed truly began. She is now Neut Ch Elettars Sweet Child O Mine CDX RE TK.I, with plans to add some more titles on her name until she tells me it’s time to retire. She is a pleasure to train and work with and will forever be the love of my life. 

12 months ago I took on the opportunity to fully immerse myself in “vizsla life” working closely with Trish and Damen to learn all the ins and outs of breeding, genetics, conformation and every bit of information they willingly and graciously passed on to me, and continue to pass on to me. I will be forever grateful for the opportunity they have afforded me in both living my dream and trusting me enough to continue on with their hard work in breeding dogs for temperament, conformation and health to produce lifetime companions. 

I am now carrying on Trish and Damen’s legacy of breeding the best vizslas we possibly can in Australia with focus remaining on health, temperament and conformation. I am still learning daily from Trish and Damen and value their friendship more than anything. This year we hope to see some dogs under my own prefix, “Eletfen” in the show ring, and down the track on the trial field, learning and growing together and committing to always having the best interest of the dog front and foremost.